Privacy Policy

Welcome to the IDMC community! Representing business operations of "IDMC" as, "we", "us", "our". We will always do our absolute best to protect your privacy and any information you entrust to us. If you have any questions or concerns about our policy or how we handle your personal information, please contact us via email at

You have voluntarily disclosed personal information to us by using and our services. Your information will never be shared with a third party. We describe our privacy policy in this privacy notice.

We will be as transparent as possible regarding

  • The data we collect
  • How we use it
  • The safeguards we provide

Please take the time to carefully read it; your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy statement, you must stop using our websites and our services.
This privacy statement applies to all information collected through our website (including, but not limited to, and/or connected services, sales, marketing, or events (we call them all "Sites" in this privacy statement).


1. What kind of data are we collecting?

Your personal information that you share with us
We get information from you that lets us know who you are, like:

  • Your name
  • Your address,
  • Your contact information,
  • Your passwords
  • Your other security data,
  • Your payment information, and social network login information.

You can give us personally identifiable information by

  • Registering at the Sites
  • Showing interest in getting information about us
  • Showing interest in our products and services
  • Taking part in some activities on the Sites
  • While posting messages in our online forums
  • While entering competitions
  • Any participation in contests, and giveaways
  • Getting in touch with us trying the same in some other way

How, when, and why we collect your personal information?

All of the mentioned process and their requisite reasons depends on the specifics of your interactions with us and the Sites. It depends on

  • The options you choose,
  • The activities and services you employ.

Below mentioned are some examples of the types of private information we might collect:

Information on the Name and Address

We collect your name, email address, physical address, and telephone number based credentials. We store authentication and account access information, including passwords, password hints, and other similar or comparable data.

Details about a payment

If you choose to make a purchase, we will collect the information required to process your payment, including

  • The number of your payment instrument (such as a credit card)
  • The associated security code.

Please review the payment processor's privacy policies and contact them immediately if you have any concerns about the security of your payment information.

In regards to the credentials with which you access social media

You can sign up for our service using information from a profile on a social network such as Facebook, Twitter, or another social networking profile. If you elect to register using the aforementioned method, the information outlined in "HOW DO WE HANDLE YOUR SOCIAL LOGINS?" will be collected.

You agree to provide us with true, complete, and accurate personal information and to promptly update us on any changes to this information.

Other Sources' Information

All are examples of the information we receive from other sources (including sponsored links) are mentioned herein.
We may supplement the data we collect about you with data obtained from other sources, such as:

  • Public databases,
  • Collaborative marketing partners,
  • Social media platforms (such as Facebook),
  • Other third parties.

Collecting data from your social media profiles is instrumental in including:

  • Your name
  • Gender
  • Birthday
  • Email
  • Current city, state, and country
  • User identification numbers for your contacts
  • URL for your profile picture
  • Any other information you choose to make public

We may also collect any form of your marketing leads, search results, and links, including paid listings.

In the end, the information we get from public databases/marketing partners/social media platforms, and other sources are limited.


How do we use the information you submit?

We use the information you have provided to fulfill our contractual obligations and for other legitimate business purposes. Compliance with legal requirements and/or with your permission.

The following are examples of how our company makes use of the personal information gathered from our websites:

We process your personal information for specific (business) purposes because:

  • It is in our legitimate interests as a business (our "business purposes").
  • We are required to do so by law ("our legal obligation").
  • We need to in order to enter into or perform a contract with you ("contract").
  • Also the reason being that you have given us permission to do so ("consent"),

The following uses are made of the data we acquire or amass:

  • To streamline the signup and login processes. When you create an account with us and link it to another service (such as Google or Facebook), To assist you with account creation and login.

Please refer to the "How Do We Handle Your Social Logins?" section for more information.

  • This is required in order to send you promotional and marketing materials. In accordance with your marketing preferences, we or our marketing partners may use the personal information you provide for marketing purposes. You may opt out of receiving our promotional emails at any time (see "What Are Your Privacy Rights?" below).
  • We may use the personal information you give us to tell you about our products, services, and updates, as well as any changes to our terms, conditions, and policies. This way, we can tell you about our services and give you information about them.
  • To manage and process your orders, payments, refunds, and exchanges made via the sites.

In order to implement our policies and terms with absolute rigor.

We aim through our privacy policy to comply with legal procedures and prevent harm to others. If we are served with a legal process, we may have to review the information we keep.

Will other people have access to the information that you provide?

The law provisions mentioned below gives us the right to use or share the personal information we have.

  • We can handle your data as long as you give us permission to use your personal information for a certain reason.
  • It is necessary to expand our legitimate business interests, we may classify your data as falling under the category of "legitimate interests."
  • Places where we have reached a written agreement on terms, we may need to process your personal information to fulfil the terms of our agreement.
  • To the extent that we are compelled to do so by law, we may release your information in order to comply with the law. Legal process, a judicial proceeding, a court order, or a government request, such as court order.
  • This includes us to remain abide by public rules and authorities to meet national security or law enforcement obligations.
  • We may share your information if we think it's necessary to investigate, stop, or take action about possible violations of our policies.
  • In case of a suspected fraud, situations involving possible threats to the safety of any person or illegal activities, or as evidence in a lawsuit we're involved in.

Other Interest group/People can access during the following situations:

  • Changes in Organizational Ownership- In the event of a merger, sale of corporate assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company, we may disclose or transfer your information as part of that transaction or during negotiations of such a merger, sale of corporate assets, financing, or acquisition.
  • Suppliers, professionals, and independent contractors like vendors, service providers, contractors, and agents who perform services on our behalf may have access to your information.
  • Notable examples of professional context include transaction processing, data analysis, email transmission, server hosting, client support, and advertising.
  • To gain a deeper understanding of how our users utilize the sites over time, we may permit third parties to install and utilize tracking technology on the sites. This data can be utilized for a variety of purposes, including research into user preferences, analysis of traffic patterns, and the identification of popular content.
  • We will not disclose, sell, rent, or trade any of your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes unless otherwise specified in this Policy.
  • To Identify Identical Users. Sharing personal information (such as by submitting comments, submissions, or other content to the sites) or interacting in public sections of the sites makes that information visible to other users and potentially subject to indefinite public distribution.
  • When you register via a social network (such as Facebook), your friends and followers on that network will be able to view your name, profile picture, and activity descriptions on our sites. You can anticipate that other users will be able to read about your activities, communicate with you on our sites, and view your profile in a manner similar to how they currently can.

Here is what happens to your data when you share customer reviews?

  • Testimonials posted on our sites may contain personally identifiable information. Before posting your name and testimonial, we will need your permission to do so. Contact us at with the specifics of what you require (name, URL, etc.) to be done with your existing testimonial.
  • We may use the information you provide to get in touch with you for feedback purposes or to further discuss your experience with our websites.
  • Your data may be utilized as part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the integrity and security of our sites (for example, for fraud monitoring and prevention).
  • To make it possible for users to communicate with one another. With the permission of each user, we may use their information to facilitate user-to-user communication.

For additional business purposes, such as data analysis, analysing usage trends, determining the success of our promotional activities, and improving the quality of our sites' products, services, marketing, and your experience, we may use the information you provide.

Important Note for You:  

  • We won't give out personal information unless we have a strong reason to, such as to follow the law, to provide you with services, to protect your rights, or to do what we need to do for our business.
  • Your personal information will only be used for the purposes described in this privacy statement or as otherwise disclosed on the Sites.
  • Please be aware that we have no control over how your social media provider may or may not use the information we provide to them. Before you use their services, you should read their privacy policies so that you can protect your privacy better.

This site utilizes cookies and other tracking technologies.

We may use cookies and similar tracking technologies to collect and store information about you. Cookies and other tracking technologies, including web beacons and pixels, may be used to retrieve or store data. Our Cookie Policy explains in detail how we use these technologies and how you can modify your browser settings to reject specific cookies.

The Question of How long?

IDMC will only keep your personal information for as long as it needs to for the purposes listed in this privacy statement, unless the law says otherwise.
Your personal information will be retained only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy notice, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law (such as for tax, accounting, or other legal requirements).

According to this policy, we won't keep any user data for more than six months after an account has been closed.
When there is no longer a compelling business reason to retain your personal information, we will either delete it or anonymize it.

Important Note:

If we can't delete your information for legal or technical reasons, we will store it safely and keep it from being used for anything else until it can be deleted.

What safeguards do we have in place to protect your data?

IDMC uses a set of technical and organizational protections to keep your data safe.
We take the security of your personal information very seriously and have taken every precaution to ensure its safety. Keep in mind, however, that the internet's security cannot be guaranteed as a whole. Data transmitted to and from our websites is done so at your own risk, despite our best efforts to safeguard it. To protect your personal information, you must only use the services from a secure location.

In what capacity are you shielded from public view through your privacy rights?

In some jurisdictions, such as the European Economic Area, access to and control over your personal data are accorded enhanced legal protection. You have the ability to log in, modify, or delete your account at any time.
In some regions (such as the European Economic Area), data protection regulations provide you with certain rights. You may have the right to:

  • Access to and a copy of your personal data in a portable format;
  • Rectification or erasure of your personal data;
  • Data portability.
  • To request that we restrict the processing of your personal information;

There are a few times when you might not want your personal information to be used.

To submit such a request, please consider the following:

  1. Any request will be reviewed and processed in accordance with existing data protection regulations.
  2. You may revoke your consent at any time if we have been processing your personal information with your permission.
  3. It's important to remember that this won't change the legality of the processing that happened before the consent was revoked.
  4. We also respect your right to file a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority in your country. If you are a resident of the European Economic Area and believe we are unlawfully processing your personal data.




Important Note to Remember:

You can delete your account or make changes to your personal information on the settings page of your profile. Your account and any associated data will be immediately and permanently removed from our active databases upon your request to cancel your subscription. Some information may be kept, though, in order to find and stop fraud, fix technical problems, help with investigations, enforce our Terms of Service, and/or meet legal requirements.

Most web browsers have cookies enabled by default. Typically, you can configure your browser to delete cookies or reject them if you so choose. Certain functionality and services of our sites may be compromised if cookies are disabled or deleted.

To opt out of receiving marketing emails from us, click the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any of our emails or contact us using the information provided below. When you click this button, you will be removed permanently from all marketing email lists. There will still be some service-related emails that are required for your account to function that we must send to you. You can specify your preferences when creating an account on the website.


You can express your desire for privacy by disabling the collection of data about your online browsing habits by activating the Do-Not-Track ("DNT") function or setting. There is currently no established technical standard for decoding and utilizing DNT signals. Due to this, we currently do not honour any Do Not Track (DNT) browser signals or any other mechanism that conveys your preference to not be automatically tracked.

Important for You:

If a new law or regulation requiring us to comply with online tracking is enacted, we will update this privacy statement to reflect the new requirements.

Do we regularly review and update our Privacy policy?

IDMC intend to keep this policy up-to-date in accordance with any changes to the law. We may revise our policy regarding the handling of personal information on any occasion (technical, political, economic).

Any modifications to this Agreement will be reflected by a new "Revised" date at the top of this page and will become effective as soon as they are made available to you.

We will notify you of any material changes to this policy by posting a prominent announcement on this page or by sending you an email or other reasonable form of communication.

Most Importantly:

Please refer back to this policy periodically if you are concerned about how your personal information is being handled.


Our Company Information:

Winkler Prinshof 10
1065 XL Amsterdam

Chamber of Commerce & VAT
KvK: 78085926
Btw nr.: NL003285816B22

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