Optimize your PrestaShop store performance

Our PrestaShop integration works seamlessly for you. The IDMC PrestaShop solution is your gateway to global expansion.

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Maximize the value of your investment.

IDMC helps you avoid wasting valuable time and resources on:

  • Manual workforce management and recruitment

  • Minimize the time needed to launch your e-commerce site

  • With the IDMC platform, you can connect, import, modify, and bulk-upload product data directly into PrestaShop.

A Hidden Advantage

Staying ahead of the competition requires more than just a varied product range at competitive prices. You also need a reliable supply chain and speedy fulfillment.

IDMC's rapid product adjustments and extensive network of trusted suppliers ensure your PrestaShop store outpaces the competition. This helps you create top-tier online stores featuring vast product variations and consistently superior product specifications.


Global Expansion

  • Build a worldwide presence with countless product categories.

  • IDMC's PrestaShop integration grants you access to leading suppliers, wherever they are located.

Your Key To Success

You can modify your product specification in three simple steps

Connect and Import products from your shopify store
Modify them in bulk with our Intelligent Data Modifier
Export on your shopify store and start selling to your customers

Start Optimizing your Products

  • No credit card | Exclusive Support