Creating High-Quality E-Commerce Product Descriptions: Tips from IDMC team and other Experts

Product descriptions must provide readers with all the facts they need to make an informed purchase decision. Knowing your target audience is the first step in crafting a successful product description. Limits on word count or designated subject matter terms should be used. The Description Rules Log is a tool used to create best-in-class product descriptions. It can be used to filter products by category, subcategory, name, SKU, MSRP, and sales price, and to use attributes to provide a detailed and specific description. It can also be imported from other sources. Imported data can be sorted into categories and applied filters, and Word Swap can be used to quickly make changes to product descriptions. It is important to use descriptive language and draw attention to the positives without conveying something untrue. Social proof and real-life examples can be used to demonstrate legitimacy and authenticity, and IDMC and its AI-created descriptions can help build trust and increase sales. Ask for comments from potential buyers to better describe the product.

The importance of doing business online has increased dramatically in recent years. Given the proliferation of e-commerce sites, it is more important than ever to provide customers with detailed, engaging descriptions of the goods on offer. Writing product descriptions that convince online shoppers to make a purchase is a complex task that requires a lot of skill and knowledge.

IDMC has a team of experts whose only responsibility is helping you create flawless online store product descriptions. In this blog, we'll share some of the insights we've gained about crafting product descriptions that boost sales for an e-commerce business.

As mentioned by industry expert Alex, product description is a crucial part of any company that deals with the sale of goods. Advertising is the act of conveying information about a product to potential buyers in a way that encourages them to make a purchasing decision.

Another comment from digital media marketing company CAS Solutions states that in order to serve an e-commerce company’s primary function, a product description must provide readers with all the facts they need to make an informed purchase decision. If you want to sell more of your product, your product description has to do more than just list its features and benefits; it needs to make the reader feel as if they just must have it.

As featured in the book "Marketing Management" by Educreation Publishing, knowing your target audience is the first step in crafting a compelling product description.

Now, your product description must address the below-mentioned questions:

  • To whom are you pitching your wares?
  • Just what are they looking for?
  • Which issue do they feel most concerned about?

All of this points to one fact, which is

"Knowing your target audience is the first step in crafting a successful product description."

Let's go on to the guidelines for a detailed description. In 2019, Wagner and his colleagues will discuss in their research the opportunities and drawbacks of digital twins and industry 4.0 in the context of high-performance product design and manufacturing. There, they mention that the development of high-quality product descriptions relies heavily on the use of comprehensive description criteria. You'll have more control over the dissemination of information about your product with this option. Limits on word count or designated subject matter terms are two examples.

Now getting back to the IDMC developer’s claims that all the rules created for the development of best-in-class complete product descriptions All of it is completed using the Description Rules Log. If you use this tool to make sure your product descriptions meet a certain standard, it might help you save time.

Before you can start using Full Description Rules, you need to settle on the standards by which your product descriptions will be judged. Disillusionment may occur when a product or service is not as good as it is advertised to be or when an item's needs and utilities are exaggerated. The number of featured goods is adjustable, and you may sort offerings by format (Excel, WordPress, etc.). In the description below, you'll find details like the number of products generated and when they were made as a consequence of applying the chosen criteria. You may take actions like updating or removing the product, and you can even export the information.


It is important to fill all the appropriate areas when describing a product. Using the Fields feature, you can filter products by category, subcategory, name, SKU, MSRP, and sales price, among other variables. The -f shortcut key allows you to quickly access the optional fields. The frequency with which a certain field or characteristic is utilized is shown on the right.


Attributes are the components of a product that may be utilized to provide a detailed and specific description. It's OK to utilize several occurrences of the same characteristic. To use an attribute, click the "select attribute" drop-down menu and then choose the desired attribute. After that, you may use the -a shortcut key as many times as you want to match it. There is a wide range of customizable features you may add to a product's description.

Structure of the material

Select the type of information, like product descriptions or tags, that you want to work with using the Content Type feature. You may choose to have anything written from scratch or to have something revised. You will go with the first choice when making a new rule. Select the modified option if you already have rules that you'd like to add to the complete description.


With the import feature, you won't have to start from scratch because you can import data and information from other sources, such as content lists from suppliers. Imported data may be sorted into many categories based on their content type, such as "All," "Full Content," "Intro," and "Bridge." Additionally, you can apply filters to the imported content. In the preview section, we will show you how your preference will affect the material’s description with artificial intelligence inclusion.


Using the Word Swap tool, you can easily change the wording of your product descriptions by swapping out individual words. This feature is crucial when you need to quickly make changes, no matter how small, to your product descriptions. Wordswap may be used by simply pressing a short key and then typing "//words" to designate the words you want changed. After making a selection, the "Submit" button must be clicked so that the data may be permanently stored. You can literally create unique, SEO-friendly content in bulk.

It's crucial to think about the following aspects while writing a product description:

As described in the journal "An image is worth one word: Personalizing text-to-image generation using textual inversion," Gal, R., along with his fellow researchers in 2022, recommends the use of descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of what the product looks like, how it feels, and what it can do for the reader.

Adding to this context, they dictate that it is always important to remember and say what you mean in as few words as possible. To keep the reader from feeling overwhelmed, you should steer clear of too much technical language and jargon.

It is important to draw attention to the positives without conveying something untrue. It's easy to sugarcoat the truth when talking about a product, service, or even oneself, but being forthright and honest is always the best policy. Customers care not just about the product's capabilities but also about how those capabilities will directly benefit their daily lives. Focus on the benefits the product can provide, such as relieving the customer's pain points and fulfilling their needs.

Put yourself in the customer's shoes, and use language that reflects that. Include sensory details such as the product's look, smell, and feel in your description to pique the reader's interest. On the other hand, if only positive information is presented, customers may begin to wonder whether the business or individual is also being forthright about any unfavorable developments. A breach in trust might result from this, and if it occurs, it can be difficult to repair.

Considering and citing social evidence or real-life examples can be fruitful.

These things demonstrate how other people have had successful interactions with a brand's offering, lending the latter legitimacy and authenticity. However, the pursuit of praise is only part of the battle. Any criticism should be taken seriously as a chance to learn and grow. Also, businesses can stand out from the crowd by getting creative with how they gather social proof. To illustrate the value of their product or service, businesses might provide client testimonials and case studies on their websites and social media pages.

Social proof, in the form of reviews or testimonials made by real customers, can be used to refer to competitor listings, find the negation, and then solve it through your product. IDMC and its AI-created description are best at saying the right things, as they may help build trust with potential consumers and increase the likelihood of closing a sale. Use a "call to action" like buy or add to cart at the end of your product description to encourage the reader to buy the item you've just described.

As directed by industry veterans, "If you want to sell more of your product, you need to make sure it appeals to your target market."

You should ask for comments from potential buyers to see how they respond to the description of your product, and then use that information to better describe the product. As a crucial part of the sales process, the product description can make or break your business. Following these guidelines while writing your product description using AI-powered IDMC can help you attract your ideal customers, highlight your product's best features, and drive more sales.


Writing high-quality product descriptions for online retailers might be challenging at times, but it can be accomplished quickly with the right knowledge, tools, and approach. Using tools like Full Description Rules, Fields, Attributes, Content Type, Import, and Wordswap, you can craft engaging product descriptions that could boost sales for your online store.


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